* documentary film directed by Atsuko Sakai "Two Homelands, One Love"(2014) (location sound mixer)
*film directed by Masaki Tamura "Drive-In Gamo"(2014) (sound design assistant)
*film directed by Hiroshi Ando "Undulant Fever"(2014) (sound design assistant)
* documentary film directed by Shigeru Kobayashi "Dryads in a Snow Valley" (2015) (location sound mixer)
* documentary film directed by Kei Tanaka "Under The Cherry Tree" (2015) (sound design)
* documentary film directed by Haruka Komori "Trace of Breath" (2017) (sound design)
* documentary film directed by Atsuko Sakai "Taiwan Banzai" (2017) (location sound mixer / sound design / editor)
* film directed by Umi Ishihara(UMMMI.) "The Garden Apartment" (2017) (location sound mixer / sound design)
* film directed by Kaori Oda "Shikisairon -Dansho-" (2017) (sound design)
*film directed by Nobuyuki Ohura "Woman Holding Perspective" (2018) (editor / location sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Neo Sora and Laura Liverani "Ainu Neno An Ainu" (2019) (editor / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Ryuichi Shimada "HIRONO" (2019) (sound design)
*film directed by Kenji Fukuma "Paradise Lost" (2019) (location sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Mayumi Okazaki "40 years -Benidoudan Saku Mura de-" (2019) (sound design)
*film directed by Michio Koshikawa "Yuhi-no-Ato" (2019) (sound design assistant)
*film directed by Shun Ikezoe "See you in my dreams" (2020) (sound design)
*film directed by Hiroyuki Nishiyama "20dB" (2020) (location sound mixer)
*film directed by Umi Ishihara "Acceleration Map" (2020) (location sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Yoju Matsubarashi "OKINAWA SANTOS" (2021) (sound design)
 *documentary film directed by Kazuki Agatsuma "Chikori-no-Sora-to-Madeleine" (2021) (sound design)
*film directed by Neo Sora "Sugar Glass Bottle" (2021) (production sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Tomoki Imai "Asu-wo-Heguru" (2021) (location sound mixer)
*documentary film directed by Yugo Kunitomo "Honoka" (2021) (sound design)
*film directed by Mayu Nakamura "Intimate Stranger" (2021) (location sound mixer)
*film directed by Yuiga Dandsuka "Tooku-He-Ikitaiwa" (2022) (production sound mixer / sound design)
*film directed by Umi Ishihara "Gravity and Radiance: The full testament" (2022) (location sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Takashi Nishihara "100 Years and Hope" (2022) (production sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary film directed by Shunsuke Kurobe "Nihonbara Ushi to Hito no Daichi" (2022) (sound design)
*film directed by Sora Hokimoto "Visit Me in My Dreams" (2022) (location sound mixer)
*documentary film directed by Ryuichi Shimada "A Son" (2023) (sound design)
*documentary film directed by Atiqa Kawakami "With Each Passing Breath" (2023) (sound design)
*film directed by Kenji Fukuma "I wasn't born yesterday" (2023) (production sound mixer / editor)
*documentary film directed by Neo Sora "Ryuichi Sakamoto | Opus" (2024) (editor)
*documentary film directed by Katsuya Okuma "Close to The Bone" (2024) (sound design)
*documentary film directed by Takeshi Fukunaga "AINU PURI" (2024) (location sound mixer / editor)

*documentary film directed by Hikaru Toda "My Love: Six Stories of True Love (Japan)"  (2021) (production sound mixer)

*NHK world, documentary directed by Mayu Nakamura "Yokohama-Stories, Journeys in Japan" (2014) (location sound mixer)
*NKH BS premium, drama directed by Akane Yamada "461-ko-no-arigato" (2015) (boom operator)
*BS Japan, documentary directed by Ryuichi Shimada "Looking for Jakuchu" (2016) (location sound mixer)

"ART BRUT MOVING WALL" (curator: Tomohiko Tsuji) at Borderless Art Museum NO-MA (2018) (sound design)
"Gravity and Radiance" (HD video) by Umi Ishihara at Shiseido Gallery (2021) (production sound mixer / sound design)
"Anatomy of the Dream: Shojo-Midare―A Film" at Setagaya Art Museum (2021) (production sound mixer)

Masakazu Kobayashi, Takuya Kawakami, Masatake Higashi, "Collaboration Support Method Based on Analyzing Individual Differences in Designers' Idea Evaluation," Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C 76(764), 1000-1008, 2010

* Video News Network Inc. ( (2012-2021)(switcher/sound mixer/editor)
* documentary film directed by Rithy Panh "The Missing Picture" (Japanese trailer editor)
* documentary film directed by Atsuko Sakai "Two Homelands, One Love" (trailer editor)
* web movie "TOYOTA Get Going Challenge #4" (editor)
* music video Kana Aoki "KABUKI"/"CACTO"/"NÉ?" (editor)
*short film directed by Umi Ishihara(UMMMI.) "Disgraced Heaven"(2017) (location sound mixer / sound design)
*short film directed by Umi Ishihara(UMMMI.) "The Pioneer"(2018) (location sound mixer / sound design)
*documentary critics magazine "f/22" member of editorial board (2019-)


酒井充子監督『ふたつの祖国、ひとつの愛 ーイ・ジュンソプの妻ー』(2014) 録音
たむらまさき監督『ドライブイン蒲生』(2014) 音響応援
安藤尋監督『海を感じる時』(2014) 音響応援
小林茂監督『風の波紋』(2015) 録音
田中圭監督『桜の樹の下』(2015) 整音
小森はるか監督『息の跡』(2016) 整音
酒井充子監督『台湾萬歳』(2017) 録音/編集/整音
石原海監督『ガーデンアパート』(2017) 録音/整音
小田香監督『色彩論 断章』(2017) 音響
大浦信行監督『遠近を抱えた女』(2018) 録音/編集
空音央/ラウラ・リヴェラーニ監督『アイヌ・ネノアン・アイヌ』(2019) 編集/整音
島田隆一監督『春を告げる町』(2019) 整音
福間健二監督『パラダイス・ロスト』(2019) 録音/整音
岡崎まゆみ監督『40年 紅どうだん咲く村で』(2019) 整音
越川道夫監督『夕陽のあと』(2019) 音響応援
池添俊監督『朝の夢』(2020) 整音
西山裕之監督『20dB』(2020) 録音
石原海監督『加速する地図』(2020) 録音/整音
松林要樹監督『オキナワ サントス』(2021) 整音
我妻和樹監督『千古里の空とマドレーヌ』(2021) 整音
空音央監督『アメガラス』(2021) 録音/整音
今井友樹監督『明日をへぐる』(2021) 録音
國友勇吾監督『帆花』(2021) 整音
中村真夕監督『親密な他人』(2021) 録音
団塚唯我監督『遠くへいきたいわ』(2022) 録音/整音
石原海監督『重力の光:祈りの記録篇』(2022) 録音/整音
西原孝至監督『百年と希望』(2022) 録音/整音
黒部俊介監督『日本原 牛と人の大地』(2022) 整音
甫木元空監督『はだかのゆめ』(2022) 録音
島田隆一監督『二十歳の息子』(2023) 整音
川上アチカ監督『絶唱浪曲ストーリー』(2023) 整音
福間健二監督『きのう生まれたわけじゃない』(2023) 録音/編集/整音
空音央監督『Ryuichi Sakamoto | Opus』(2024) 編集
奥間勝也監督『骨を掘る男』(2024) 整音/録音協力
福永壮志監督『アイヌプリ』(2024) 録音/編集

戸田ひかる監督『マイ・ラブ:6つの愛の物語 日本篇 絹子と春平』(2021) 録音・サウンドデザイン​​​​​​​

NHKワールド ドキュメンタリー D: 中村真夕『Yokohama-Stories, Journeys in Japan』(2014) 音声
NHK BSプレミアム ドラマ D: 山田あかね『461個のありがとう』(2015) 録音助手
BSジャパン ドキュメンタリー D: 島田隆一『若冲を探して』(2016) 音声

美術展示 / 舞台
キュレーター: 辻智彦『アール・ブリュット 動く壁画』ボーダレス・アートミュージアムNO-MA (2018) 音響
石原海『重力の光』(映像作品) 資生堂ギャラリー (2021) 録音
P: 杉田協士 D: 大川景子 『映像作品 夢の解剖―猩々乱』世田谷美術館 (2021) 録音

小林正和, 川上拓也, 東正毅, "評価の個人差に着目したアイデア分析に基づく創造的コラボレーション支援", 日本機械学会論文集 C編 76(764), 1000-1008, 2010

ビデオニュース( 技術スタッフ(2012年から2021年まで)(スイッチャー/ミキサー/編集)
リティ・パニュ監督『消えた画 クメール・ルージュの真実』予告篇編集
酒井充子監督『ふたつの祖国、ひとつの愛 ーイ・ジュンソプの妻ー』予告篇編集
ウェブムービー『TOYOTA Get Going Challenge #4』編集
ウェブムービー 石原海(UMMMI.)監督『汚れきった天国』(2017) 録音/整音
東京藝術大学卒業制作 石原海(UMMMI.)監督『忘却の先駆者』(2018) 録音/整音
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